A Preschool through 8th Grade Catholic Elementary School
At Immaculate Conception School, we have always made it one of our priorities to have the latest technology. It is used throughout the school day.
Grades PK-2, we are 1:1 with iPads. Grades 3 through 8, we are 1:1 with chromebooks.
Students in Kindergarten through grade 4 have computer class and grades 5 through 8 have STEM instruction as part of their curriculum. Students in K-2 have class once a week. Grade 3 begins with one class and transitions into 2 classes per week with emphasis in the second class on keyboarding skills. Grade 4 come to the lab twice a week for instruction. Students in Grades 5-8 come to the lab twice a week for STEM instruction.
The primary grade focus is on mouse skills, logging off/on the computers, saving, retrieving documents, and basic font and computer skills. The older students continue to use applications with a more in-depth focus. They also learn to use the Google site to help them with classwork and homework. This is an ungraded class. However, the students work on assignments that will be graded in other classes. This helps reinforce the idea that technology is integrated in all subject areas and is not a stand alone subject. Grades 5 through 8 will have access to diverse challenges built around Science, Music & Design. For more information about our new STEM Lab, please click here.